all we have left to eat is tomato paste

Feb. 19, 2017

All we have left to eat is tomato paste. We are eating it with salt….We are ready to kill ISIS ourselves with knives, or by biting them, because we are in so much pain.¹

As of this writing, the Iraqi Security Forces and the Kurdish pesh merga (“those who face death”) are launching an offensive from the ruins of ancient Nineveh on the banks of the Tigris to wrest control of western Mosul from Da’ish (to use the pejorative Arabic acronym for the Islamic State or ISIS). Only a month before the Iraqis had fought an entrenched urban battle for the Eastern side of the city, successfully pushing Da’ish over the Tigris, which curves through the city like a scoliotic spine. It is within this setting we find ourselves when reading the ekphrasis of Alcinous’ palace in Book 7.81-97 of the Odyssey:

αὐτὰρ Ὀδυσσεὺς
Ἀλκινόου πρὸς δώματ᾽ ἴε κλυτά: πολλὰ δέ οἱ κῆρ
ὥρμαιν᾽ ἱσταμένῳ, πρὶν χάλκεον οὐδὸν ἱκέσθαι.
ὥς τε γὰρ ἠελίου αἴγλη πέλεν ἠὲ σελήνης
δῶμα καθ᾽ ὑψερεφὲς μεγαλήτορος Ἀλκινόοιο.
χάλκεοι μὲν γὰρ τοῖχοι ἐληλέδατ᾽ ἔνθα καὶ ἔνθα,
ἐς μυχὸν ἐξ οὐδοῦ, περὶ δὲ θριγκὸς κυάνοιο:
χρύσειαι δὲ θύραι πυκινὸν δόμον ἐντὸς ἔεργον:
σταθμοὶ δ᾽ ἀργύρεοι ἐν χαλκέῳ ἕστασαν οὐδῷ,
ἀργύρεον δ᾽ ἐφ᾽ ὑπερθύριον, χρυσέη δὲ κορώνη.
χρύσειοι δ᾽ ἑκάτερθε καὶ ἀργύρεοι κύνες ἦσαν,
οὓς Ἥφαιστος ἔτευξεν ἰδυίῃσι πραπίδεσσι
δῶμα φυλασσέμεναι μεγαλήτορος Ἀλκινόοιο,
ἀθανάτους ὄντας καὶ ἀγήρως ἤματα πάντα.
ἐν δὲ θρόνοι περὶ τοῖχον ἐρηρέδατ᾽ ἔνθα καὶ ἔνθα,
ἐς μυχὸν ἐξ οὐδοῖο διαμπερές, ἔνθ᾽ ἐνὶ πέπλοι
λεπτοὶ ἐύννητοι βεβλήατο, ἔργα γυναικῶν.

…but Odysseus went to the glorious palace of Alcinous. There he stood, and his heart pondered much before he reached the threshold of bronze; for there was a gleam as of sun or moon over the high-roofed house of great-hearted Alcinous. Of bronze were the walls that stretched this way and that from the threshold to the innermost chamber, and around was a cornice of cyanus. Golden were the doors that shut in the well-built house, and doorposts of silver were set in a threshold of bronze. Of silver was the lintel above, and of gold the handle. On either side of the door there stood gold and silver dogs, which Hephaestus had fashioned with cunning skill to guard the palace of great-hearted Alcinous; immortal were they and ageless all their days. Within, seats were fixed along the wall on either hand, from the threshold to the innermost chamber, and on them were thrown robes of soft fabric, cunningly woven, the handiwork of women.²


1. Callimachi and Hassan: 2017.

2. Trans. Murray.


Murray, A. 1919. The Odyssey with an English Translation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Rukmini Callimachi and Falih Hassan,“Iraq Starts Offensive to Retake Western Mosul
From ISIS,”, (February 19, 2017).
